All You Can Eat Self Evaluation and Final Film

This short follows the misfortunes of two anthropomorphised chicken nuggets on their journey from plate to peril. When I initially designed the characters of ‘All You Can Eat’, they each seemed relatively simple to execute in 3D form. However, upon creating the characters I designed, I soon realised the difficulties of working with food. TheContinue reading “All You Can Eat Self Evaluation and Final Film”

Documentary Production Reflective Essay

When it came to making a memorable and pleasing to watch documentary it was easy for me to find great inspiration. Having grown up watching shows such as The Ricky Gervais Show and Creature Comforts, I’ve already been exposed to two different types of interview animation. When interviewing my grandfather for the film I wantedContinue reading “Documentary Production Reflective Essay”

Character Design – Greed

This is the character I have chosen to use for my design project. I went with the theme of greed because I think there is a lot of opportunity for comedy, mischief, and also cool animation. I played with the idea of greed with my character, but didn’t stop there. I thought it would beContinue reading “Character Design – Greed”

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